My Frog Charming

Dearest Athena,

You are absolutely right, I feel the same way. So happy and relaxed being a woman. Love myself just the way I am. I'm not perfect tho. Just know my weakness and deal with it.
Indeed we have more options, in so many different ways. The destiny of men, usually, come to have to work to get a lot of money. We still get to choose, i want to have a baby but no pregnancy, i want to work and no baby, there's just so many options. We can be the same, go out and work a lot leaving our children with someone to take care - no guilty about that. Or stay at home and being a fulltime mom.
I was just thinking about my engagement. And why did I call it off? Simply beacuse I didn't want to spent my life with someone more dreamier than me. And worse, I dream high but feet on the ground. And I like that about me. But I want a serious man. Whom could be a dreamier but know what is possible and what is not after while. Not persistent in something that is obviously going wrong and just seems to attract those kind of thing.
Well, anyway, just like my mama said: "While Prince Charming doesn't come, have fun with the frogs". Doing it, loving it and being cool about it.


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