
Dear Aphrodite:

Unfortunately, this letter may not come to comfort you but to raise more questions about our lives as women. Our age difference tells me that I have been there. I have been angry with so many things. Angry about what it is expected from us as women. What it is "normal." "Is it possible that you do not want to be a mother?" "All women want to be a mother, get married, settle." But as we grow older, we become less resentful and worried about certain things. I am not saying that we stop questioning our roles as mothers, professionals, partners, or just as women; however, we learn to see things differently, in a less combative way. At least this is how it has happened to me. Of course, we all fear. We fear being alone, being in a relationship; we fear being a mother; we fear failure. We are surrounded by fears and uncertainties. But there is something about growing up, being mature, that has helped me understand all these (or at least most of it). The more we learn about ourselves, the more we know us as women, the stronger we get. And there is so much to learn about ourselves. I remember telling you that in my next reincarnation I would like to be a man. I remember telling you it would be easier. Men’s world is so much simpler. But I am not sure about this lately. I have thought about it and I think we are much more interesting, we women. We have so many options (besides the clothes!!!). We can do and be so many things. Yes, it may be harder for us, but doesn’t make it more interesting?! And be fulfilled? I am not sure if any human being is. I saw this great video by Srikumar S. Rao (see video under links). He talks about happiness and why we are not happy. He says we see happiness as a conditional thing. I am happy if…. I am fulfilled if…. And then we realize that things may not happen the way we want and then we feel unhappy. Happiness should be inside of us regardless of what we have. We seek happiness in things not in ourselves, thus we are always or most of the time unhappy, not satisfied. So, dear Aphrodite, to tell you the truth I do not have an answer. for you, or at least an answer that can satisfy both of us. What I have my dear is what I have learned or tried to learn as I encounter difficulties and fears: I embrace myself, I cry, I laugh, I question, I rebel against it, I change my mind all the time, I act like a woman. And I love every moment of it.

Talk to you soon.


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